Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Imelda of Makeup

Some people love shoes. Remember Imelda?

Some people love purses. Add about 25 more purses to this and you'd see both of my daughter's closets.
I have one purse and about four pairs of shoes. That's all. I don't care. I don't need to be a fashion statement. Paige and Allie would testify to that. They'd also say it's very, very sad.

BUT! I do have one big, giant weakness. It is this:

I LOVE MAKEUP! I love it I love it I love it. There. I said it. I am a makeup addict and a makeup junkie. I am a big hoarder of makeup. I absolutely can't resist it. It's like a drug. Sometimes, just the knowledge of having the opportunity to apply my makeup is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. Now THAT'S sad.

After shamelessly spending who knows how much money on department store brands (Lancome, Clinique, Bobbi Brown), I have finally settled in on my favorite eyeshadow. Believe it or not, each one of these palettes costs $5.00 and I got them at Target. No kidding. Some of them were even reduced to $3.00. I wear this kind of eye shadow every day. It's by ELF (Eyes. Lips. Face.)

But when you buy the Lancome sample deals, you get the greatest creams, lotions, makeup remover, dewrinklers and anti-aging solutions on the planet. Keep 'em coming!

The stupid thing is, that no matter what kind of makeup or what shades of shadow I use, I still look exactly the same day in and day out. Oh well.

And how many faces do I have to apply all this junk on? Only ONE. That's why, at the end of the day, this is actually all I need.

I still think shoes and purses are a waste of money. Makeup, on the other hand, is totally worth it.


  1. I didn't know you were SO addicted to make-up! Now I know what to buy you for prezzies!

  2. Ha, that is really funny, I have never seen that much makeup in one house. No wonder you always look so great!
