Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is Tom. Otherwise known as Tom the Bomb, Tomas, Dald, Tom the Spiller, and Swatas.

I was a Junior in college when we met at a fireside at his Grandma Celestia's house. I was there with my friend, Lori, and he was there with his brother, John. I had a secret crush on John but he was dating someone else at the time. When I saw that John had a BROTHER, I was immediately intrigued. We didn't talk to each other at the fireside but Tom called me a couple of days later and asked me on a date. I remember screaming out loud when I got off the phone.

I had no idea what adventures we'd have together in the next 29 years. I wish I was one of those people who have perfect memories so I could recall all of them. We've had countless pictures taken together in countless amazing places.

Here's just a sampling:


  1. I love seeing pictures of you guys when you were young! You've been lots of cool places together. I'm jealous.

  2. You two haven't changed a bit!! I love your blog... I never update mine so I can't judge you if you don't do yours, but I think it would be fun to read what you have to say! hope all is well! xoxo

  3. Cute blog! Way to go on the blogging front! Wish I could get my mom to blog!! I love Paige's blog! =) Have a great day!

  4. Since you set up my hotmail account I think you need to set a blog up for me as well! Who knew there is someone out there even less techno-savvy that you? IT'S ME!
